Joyce is a Trademark Paralegal with over 26 years of experience in the Intellectual Property field. After initially working in the Patent arena, for the last 20 years her focus has been on all aspects of trademark prosecution, maintenance, and enforcement. She is a graduate of Hesser College with a degree in Legal Administration.
Joyce has been a member of the International Trademark Association (“INTA”) since 2001. She has served as a member of INTA’s Trademark Administrator’s Committee, been on the Project Team for the TM Administrators and Professional Conference, and served as Co-Chair of the Special Programs for Experienced Administrators Committee. She has been a speaker at numerous TMAP Conferences, speaking on Brand Enforcement, Clearing Collateral, Avoiding Genericide, Litigation/Working Together, Addressing Potential Infringement and TMA Best Practices. Joyce has also moderated and hosted numerous round table discussions.