Practice AreaTrademarks

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Our trademark attorneys are able to assist you with all aspects of trademark protection. If you are having trouble selecting a trademark, or finding one that is likely to be enforceable, we can help you with brand selection and screening that selection to avoid issues with other trademarks. Protecting your valuable trademarks by registering them with the appropriate authorities will provide you with significant benefits. Our trademark attorneys can assist you with all aspects of prosecution of trademarks from application through registration in both the United States Patent and Trade Office and in various state trademark offices. Through our network of law firms, Lex Mundi, we work closely with international firms with regard to prosecuting and registering your trademarks abroad. And while we work with you to prevent trademark disputes, when disputes do arise we have substantial experience in resolving those disputes from cease-and-desist letter phase, through mediation and arbitration, and through litigation if necessary.

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Practice Chair

Douglas G. Verge

Doug is co-chair of the firm’s Data Privacy and Security Law Practice Group.  He also is an integral member of Sheehan Phinney’s intellectual property law practice, having previously chaired the 

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