Want to Be an Entrepreneur?

Millennials get a bad rap, often pegged as lazy, entitled and non-committal. However, millennials are an entrepreneurial generation, creating their own jobs when there were no jobs to be had. 

Reidy Quoted in Business Management Daily

Sheehan Phinney shareholder James P. Reidy was quoted in the March 31, 2016 online issue of the Business Management Daily, in an article titled “Telecommuting policy needs to address tech”.

Reidy Quoted in National SHRM Article

Sheehan Phinney shareholder James P. Reidy was quoted in the March 16, 2016 Society For Human Resources (SHRM) article “Massive D.C. Subway Closure Shows Need for Continuity Plans”, which appeared on the national SHRM website.

Donald Trump in HR? A Survey

In the first-in-the-nation primary state, Granite Staters have been introduced to many truly interesting people who were seeking their party’s nomination for the highest office in the land. This year 

Hantz Named to Firm Management Committee

Sheehan Phinney shareholder Anna Barbara (Bobbie) Hantz has been named to the firm’s five person management committee as the ‘At-Large’ member, effective immediately. Sheehan Phinney’s Management Committee oversees the administrative and business functions and strategic planning initiatives for the firm’s four regional offices and 60+ lawyers.

HR Takeaways from the Patriots Loss

Monday morning, Jan. 25, in New England after the Patriots loss in the AFC championship to Denver left many fans, in a word, deflated. With the words of coaching legend, 

Essential Documents for Retirement

This article was originally published in Business NH Magazine and can be found here. January 11. 2016 You are on the verge of retirement. Things to do, people to see, 

Seven Deadly Sins for Design Pros

Here are some of the most important issues commonly encountered by design professionals in basic owner-design professional agreements: Read the full story here.               

CEO on the Go: David McGrath

As the newly appointed leader of one of NH’s largest law firms, clients and employees alike look to David McGrath for help. When McGrath needs to resolve his own issues, 

Employee Verification Roulette, By the Rules

In recent months, immigration has reemerged as a hotly-contested political issue. Although the ultimate resolution is difficult to predict, the potential for millions of undocumented immigrants to obtain deferred action