Sheehan Phinney has a long history of service to our communities. Making a difference in the lives of others is one of the Firm’s top priorities, and we steadfastly believe that every successful attorney should be involved in community service activities. We encourage each of our lawyers to become involved in civic activities, and we can proudly say that our attorneys are not only some of the most talented and brilliant legal minds in the country, but that they also serve as valued volunteers, honored members of community boards, and elected or appointed local and state government officials. Many Sheehan Phinney attorneys are also involved with pro-bono legal work for various organizations as well.
The following is only a partial list of our community partners. A complete listing of individual activities can be found on our attorneys’ individual web pages.
- Manchester Choral Society
- Manchester Rotary
- National Trust for Historic Preservation
- Neighborhood Housing
- NeighborWorks
- New Horizons
- NH Association for the Blind
- NH Business Committee for the Arts
- NH Center for the Arts
- NH Center for Nonprofits
- NH Center for Public Policy
- NH Clean Tech Council
- NH Community Loan Fund
- NH Farm Museum
- NH Germanic Association
- NH Lakeshore Redevelopment
- NH Long Term Care Foundation
- NH Preservation Alliance
- NH Symphony Orchestra
- NH/VT Red Cross
- Palace Theatre
- Planning Commission
- Salvation Army
- Special Olympics
- Squam Lakes Association
- Stay Work Play
- St. Joseph Community Services Meals on Wheels
- St. Paul’s School
- The Boston Home
- United Way

Thank you to all the Sheehan employees who donated school supplies for the 2020 Salvation Army Back-to-School drive!

Our 2020 Special Olympics Penguin Plunge Team!

Thank you to all the Sheehan employees who donated to the Salvation Army Adopt a Family drive!

A big thanks to Special Olympics New Hampshire athletes and friends, Lauren Hoepp and Kayleigh Aguiar for creating the Firm’s 2019 holiday card.

The 2019 Sheehan Phinney Team supporting Easterseals at the Eversource Walk & 5k in downtown Manchester.

Sheehan Phinney employees volunteer at the Special Olympics basketball tournament.

We are proud to support St. Joseph Community Services Smokin’ Wheels for Hot Meals event.

Sheehan Phinney employees walk in 5k to defeat ALS in memoriam of Claire Carty.

Congrats to attorney Bob Lucic for finishing 2nd in his category at the Squam Lakes Ridge Race!

Sheehan Phinney’s team at the NH Bar Association’s 25th Anniversary Quid Pro Bono Golf Tournament, supporting the efforts of the NH Pro Bono Program.

Attorneys Sue Manchester, Greg Chakmakas and Ken Viscarello attend a ribbon cutting ceremony to celebrate the completion of Whittemore Place Phase II, an affordable rental housing complex in Londonderry.

Attorney Sue Manchester, in-coming Rotary Club President, announces a $15,000 grant to the Manchester Historic Association.

Susan Manchester joined Families in Transition (FIT) in the opening of their new Spruce Street property which will provide housing to four low income individuals and families.

Attorney Jim Shirley’s family has farmed 500 acres in Goffstown for nine generations, dating back to 1763. Over the years, they have grown vegetables, apples and hops, produced milk and harvested timber and hay.