CMS Lifts COVID-19 Staff Vaccination Requirements

CLIENT ALERT June 6, 2023 Effective August 4, 2023, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (“CMS”) no longer will require COVID-19 vaccination for staff of most health care entities. 

Author: Sheehan Phinney Bass & Green
Category: Healthcare

Navigating the Post-COVID Workplace

This article, written by attorney Jim Reidy, was originally published by Business NH Magazine and can be found here. Spring is finally here, and summer is just around the corner. 

Author: James P. Reidy
Category: COVID-19

Learning how to handle the vaccine mandate in your workplace

This article, written by attorney Brian Bouchard, was originally published by and can be found here. Last month, President Biden unveiled the administration’s “Path Out of the Pandemic” Plan. It 

Author: Brian J. Bouchard
Category: Article

Winter’s Coming: Updated Pandemic Guidance from OSHA

This article, written by attorney Brian Bouchard, was originally published by The Chamber Collaborative of Greater Portsmouth and can be found here. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (“OSHA”) had 

Author: Brian J. Bouchard
Category: Article

Stimulus Relief for Start-Up Businesses

Paul Durham | April 21, 2021 Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, lawmakers have provided significant economic assistance to support struggling businesses. Unfortunately, businesses started during the crisis have 

Author: Paul Durham
Category: Article

NH DOJ Issues Mask Guidance and Recommendations

CLIENT ALERT Andrew Eills | January 12, 2021 As many retail establishment and other business owners can attest, enforcing Governor Sununu’s Emergency Orders pertaining to mask-wearing creates, on occasion, uncomfortable 

Author: Andrew B. Eills
Category: Alert

Boston Litigators Try Case in the SDNY, From Boston, and Prevail

(December 29, 2020, Boston, MA) – Sheehan Phinney litigation attorneys Michael Lambert and Michael Stanley, both based in the firm’s Boston office, recently secured a resounding victory for one of 

Author: Michael J. Lambert
Category: Business Litigation

Overview of New Stimulus Legislation

CLIENT ALERT By: Abby Martinen December 28, 2020 On December 21, 2020, the Senate passed a new emergency economic relief, government funding, and tax cuts package, known as the Consolidated 

Author: Abbygale Martinen Dow
Category: Alert

Can employees be required to get the Covid-19 vaccine?

This article was originally published in the New Hampshire Business Review and can be found here. Madeline Hutchings, Jim Reidy | December 16, 2020 With as many as three vaccines on 

Author: Madeline Christie Hutchings
Category: Article

SBA Provides New Guidance For PPP Loan Borrower Ownership Changes

CLIENT ALERT By: Paul Reuland and Colleen Lyons October 8, 2020 Paycheck Protection Program (“PPP”) loan borrowers continue to consider their options as COVID continues to impact the economy. For some, 

Author: Colleen Lyons
Category: Alert

COVID-19 and Massachusetts Retail Leases

This article was originally published in Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly and can be found here. Damon M. Seligson | August 13, 2020 Retail tenants and commercial landlords are both experiencing business-threatening circumstances 

Author: Damon M. Seligson
Category: Article

Safely Restarting Your Business: The Reopen Boston Fund

CLIENT ALERT By: Deniz Harrison June 19, 2020             Many local Boston businesses are feeling the impact of COVID-19 on their bottom line. While the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the 

Author: Sheehan Phinney Bass & Green
Category: Alert

Forgiveness of PPP Loans May Be Taxable in NH and MA

CLIENT ALERT By: Peter Beach June 17, 2020 Borrowers who obtained funds under the CARES Act’s Paycheck Protection Program (the “PPP”) generally anticipated that the portion of a PPP loan 

Author: Peter T. Beach
Category: Alert

Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act Becomes Law

CLIENT ALERT By: Paul Reuland and Colleen Lyons June 5, 2020 On Friday, June 5, 2020, the President signed into law the Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act of 2020 (H.R. 

Author: Colleen Lyons
Category: Alert

Overview of May PPP Loan Forgiveness Regulations

CLIENT ALERT By: Colleen Lyons June 5, 2020 As contemplated when the Paycheck Protection Loan Forgiveness Application was released in the middle of May, the Small Business Administration (“SBA”) released 

Author: Paul S. Reuland
Category: Alert

New Hampshire COVID-19 Relief Grants Agriculture Grant Program

CLIENT ALERT By: Mark W. Dell’Orfano May 28, 2020 The New Hampshire Governor’s Office for Emergency Relief and Recovery recently announced the allocation of $10 million in emergency funding from 

Author: Sheehan Phinney Bass & Green
Category: Alert

COVID-19 Emergency Healthcare System Relief Fund

CLIENT ALERT  By: Andrew Eills May 20, 2020 Governor’s Emergency order # 44 increases total EHSRF to $100 million On March 19, 2020, Governor Sununu issued Emergency Order #9, creating 

Author: Andrew B. Eills
Category: Alert

Application for PPP Loan Forgiveness Released

CLIENT ALERT By: Colleen Lyons May 18, 2020 On Friday, May 15th, the United States Small Business Administration (“SBA”) and the Treasury Department released an initial draft of SBA Form 

Author: Colleen Lyons
Category: Alert

Reopening the Workforce: Unemployment Issues Abound

CLIENT ALERT By: Brian J. Bouchard May 15, 2020 Businesses in New Hampshire are starting to reopen and employers are starting to call back furloughed or temporarily laid off employees. 

Author: Brian J. Bouchard
Category: Alert

PPP Safe Harbor for Return of Funds Set to Expire on May 14

CLIENT ALERT By: Christopher Candon May 12, 2020 The Paycheck Protection Program (“PPP”) is one of the most significant programs for businesses under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security, 

Author: Christopher M. Candon
Category: Alert