Not so crazy talk: net-zero energy buildings

This article was originally published in the New Hampshire Business Review and can be found here. By: Tom Burack | August 29, 2018 Or imagine this: You’re a residential landlord, 

Author: Thomas Burack
Category: Article

Are LLC Operating Agreements Executory Contracts?

Are LLC Operating Agreements Executory Contracts? Attorney Chris Candon discusses this question and the potential impact of the determination in a bankruptcy case. Read more here.

Author: Christopher M. Candon
Category: Article

Are Employer Drug-Testing Programs Obsolete?

Attorney Jim Reidy discusses how drug-testing policies, especially for marijuana use, are no longer in step with the realities of today’s workforce. Are Employer Drug-Testing Programs Obsolete?  

Author: James P. Reidy
Category: Article

10 Non-Tax Reasons You Should Have an Estate Plan

Sheehan Phinney attorney Michael Panebianco explains that contrary to popular thought, estate planning is not just for those who may have to pay a federal or state estate tax. There are many 

Author: Sheehan Phinney Bass & Green
Category: Article

Howard Delivery Services: Looking Back at the Future

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has been a political lightning rod since its enactment in 2010. It has been the focus of numerous legal challenges in the courts and endless 

Author: Christopher M. Candon
Category: Article

Superfund site development

EPA task force seeks to encourage, promote development of contaminated sites In May, the Environmental Protection Agency set up a task force to review the Superfund program and make recommendations 

Author: Robert R. Lucic
Category: Article

NH Legal Perspective: The Title IX Balancing Act

When one student accuses another of sexual assault, what must a school do to ensure that the subsequent investigation is fair to both sides and compliant with the law? Read the 

Author: Megan C. Carrier
Category: Article

HIPAA Training

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH) (collectively, HIPAA) obligate nearly all healthcare providers to protect the 

Author: Jason D. Gregoire
Category: Article

The ghost of Christmas yet-to-come?

Now that the dust from the November election has settled, human resources professionals, business owners and executives are anxious about what could come next. While we’ve all given up predicting, 

Author: James P. Reidy
Category: Article

The evolution of workplace laws according to Jagger

Mick Jagger, lead singer for the iconic rock band The Rolling Stones turned 73 in July. In addition to celebrating that milestone, Jagger is going to be a father. He 

Author: James P. Reidy
Category: Article

NH Legal Perspective: Leave as a reasonable accommodation gets clarified

Recently, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) issued a helpful resource document about employer-provided leave as a reasonable accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”). Read the full 

Author: Elizabeth Bailey
Category: Article

HR Power Hour – New Mandatory MA Sick Leave Law

Mark Ventola is a member of the Firm’s employment and labor law, business consulting, and litigation practice groups. Mark’s focus is on employment and labor law, advising clients about the 

Author: Mark J. Ventola
Category: Article

NH Businesses Face Legal Challenges That ‘Hit From All Sides’

James Reidy featured in a Union Leader article. WINDHAM – Jim Reidy began a presentation Thursday on human resources and employment law by noting the conference’s theme of untangling knots, and then 

Author: James P. Reidy
Category: Article

Overtime Rules Promise Challenges for Some NH Firms

Mark Ventola featured in a Union Leader article.  WINDHAM – A new proposed overtime rule from the Department of Labor could have a major impact on New Hampshire businesses, some of which 

Author: Mark J. Ventola
Category: Article

New Rules Extend Visas for STEM Graduates

Regulations often make businesses cringe, but not this one. A new rule will allow international students in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) fields to be employed in the United States 

Author: Sheehan Phinney Bass & Green
Category: Article

Want to Be an Entrepreneur?

Millennials get a bad rap, often pegged as lazy, entitled and non-committal. However, millennials are an entrepreneurial generation, creating their own jobs when there were no jobs to be had. 

Author: Sheehan Phinney Bass & Green
Category: Article

Pending Changes to Massachusetts Employment Law

In the current Massachusetts legislative session, a number of bills are pending that have the potential to increase employee protections and, in turn, impose further burdens on employers. Read the 

Author: Sheehan Phinney Bass & Green
Category: Article

NH Legal Perspective: Taking a Look at the Sweepstakes Law

YOUR MAILBOX and email inbox are probably flooded with offers, especially this time of the year, along the lines of “Win a free cruise to Cancun” or “Scratch here to 

Author: Sheehan Phinney Bass & Green
Category: Article

Tax Law: IRS Steps Up Audits of Deferred Compensation Plans

Now is an excellent time to review nonqualified deferred compensation arrangements with business clients, before the Internal Revenue Service shows up to audit them. Read the full story here.

Author: Peter T. Beach
Category: Article

Donald Trump in HR? A Survey

In the first-in-the-nation primary state, Granite Staters have been introduced to many truly interesting people who were seeking their party’s nomination for the highest office in the land. This year 

Author: James P. Reidy
Category: Article

HR Takeaways from the Patriots Loss

Monday morning, Jan. 25, in New England after the Patriots loss in the AFC championship to Denver left many fans, in a word, deflated. With the words of coaching legend, 

Author: James P. Reidy
Category: Article

Essential Documents for Retirement

This article was originally published in Business NH Magazine and can be found here. January 11. 2016 You are on the verge of retirement. Things to do, people to see, 

Author: Jason D. Gregoire
Category: Article

When Your AdWords Keywords Land You in Court

Google’s AdWords and other programs can be a boon to small online retailers. For a modest fee, a company reserves a keyword on Google. Whenever that keyword or phrase appears 

Author: John-Mark Turner
Category: Article

Open Source Software: What You Don’t Know Could Hurt You

Open source (or so-called “free”) software has become a popular tool for software developers and technology companies that write software applications, because the source code is available at no charge 

Author: Douglas G. Verge
Category: Article