NH Legal Perspective: A will that works for health care providers

This article, written by attorney Madeline Hutchings, was originally published by the NH Union Leader an can be found here. Avoiding making your estate plan? All right, then just start 

Author: Madeline Christie Hutchings
Category: Estate Planning

New Guidance for Supporting Pregnant and Nursing Employees

This article, written by attorneys Jennifer Moeckel and Andrea Chatfield, was originally published by Business NH Magazine and can be found here. As new mothers often turn to “What to 

Author: Jennifer Shea Moeckel
Category: Labor & Employment

Legal housekeeping for your commercial real estate

This article, written by Eric Kilchenstein, was originally published by NHBR and can be found here. As part of my commercial real estate practice, I am often brought into assist 

Author: Eric T. Kilchenstein
Category: Real Estate & Development

NH Legal Perspective: Service charges tip toward employers

This article, written by Autumn Klick and Aaron Rosenberg, was originally published by the NHBR and can be found here. If you have recently ordered takeout or eaten at a 

Author: Autumn D. Klick
Category: Labor & Employment

Your clients are using AI, you need to be ready

This article, written by attorney Bob Lucic, was originally published by New England Biz Law Update and can be found here. Since the launch of ChatGPT on November 30, 2022, 

Author: Robert R. Lucic
Category: Article

Borrower beware: early construction and mechanic’s lien coverage

This article, written by attorney Kathleen O’Neill Burgener, was originally published by New England Biz Law Update and can be found here. Construction loans are different from other mortgage loans 

Author: Kathleen O’Neill Burgener
Category: Article

Commercial real estate equity investing

This article, written by attorney Bruce Bagdasarian, was originally published by New England Biz Law Update and can be found here. In the commercial real estate world, raising equity for 

Author: Bruce H. Bagdasarian
Category: Real Estate & Development

Government regulation of AI – when is it coming?

This article, written by attorney Bryanna Devonshire and Nicolas Harris, a 2023 Summer Associate, was originally published by seacoastonline.com and can be found here. Hate it or love it, an AI 

Author: Bryanna K. Devonshire
Category: Article

The promise of New Hampshire’s Housing Champion program

This article, written by attorney Chloe Golden, was originally published by the NHBR and can be found here. New initiative could be a big step in bridging a widening gap 

Author: Chloe F.P. Golden
Category: Affordable Housing

Is your business in financial distress? There are options

This article, written by attorney Jim LaMontagne, was originally published by the NHBR and can be found here. Businesses facing financial distress with lenders, landlords or vendors have options other 

Author: James S. LaMontagne
Category: Bankruptcy

Hiring Your First Employee Requires Growing Up Fast

This article, written by attorney Andrea Chatfield, was originally published by Business NH Magazine and can be found here. When a business owner begins to think it is time to 

Author: Andrea G. Chatfield
Category: Labor & Employment

Five Tips for Avoiding Common Startup Pitfalls

This article, written by attorney Emily Penaskovic, was originally published by Business NH Magazine and can be found here. Entrepreneurs that are building a company for the first time can 

Author: Emily B. Penaskovic
Category: Start Up

Unitary Patents Arrive in Europe

This article, written by attorney Jonathan Whitcomb and paralegal Karen Stevens, was originally published by the NH Bar News and can be found here (page 24). Many US inventors seek 

Author: Jonathan B. Whitcomb
Category: Intellectual Property

Get ready! The Corporate Transparency Act is coming

This article, written by attorneys Alex Pyle and Kaitlin Murphy, was originally published by New England Biz Law Update and can be found here. On January 1, 2024, the reporting requirements 

Author: Alexander H. Pyle
Category: Corporate

Drilling down: Tips for buying a dental practice

This article, written by attorney Jason Gregoire, was originally published by the NH Union Leader and seacoastonline.com and can be found here. The COVID-19 pandemic has fueled an unprecedented level 

Author: Jason D. Gregoire
Category: Healthcare

Refinancing uncertainty in commercial real estate

This article, written by attorney Katie Burgener, was originally published by Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly and can be found here. There have been a lot of headlines recently about property valuations, 

Author: Kathleen O’Neill Burgener
Category: Article

Ask the Expert: Selecting and protecting a startup’s brand

This article, written by attorney Emily Penaskovic, was originally published in the Union Leader and by the NH Tech Alliance and can be found here. Startup founders work tirelessly to 

Author: Emily B. Penaskovic
Category: Start Up

Paid Family Medical Leave in New Hampshire

This article, written by attorneys Brian Bouchard and Andrea Chatfield, was originally posted on seacaostonline.com and can be found here. New Hampshire is a first-in-the-nation kind of state. With the 

Author: Brian J. Bouchard
Category: Labor & Employment

A Closer Look at the FTC’s Proposed Ban on Non-competes

CLIENT ALERT Robert R. Lucic, Esq.; David W. McGrath, Esq. January 27, 2023 On January 5, 2023, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced a proposed rule banning non-competes and other 

Author: David W. McGrath
Category: Alert

Playing information roulette: Using AI for legal compliance

This article, written by attorney Brian Bouchard, was originally published by NHBR and seacoastonline.com and can be found here. Recent news stories about artificial intelligence and the revolutionary breakthroughs showcased 

Author: Brian J. Bouchard
Category: Article

5 lessons learned from successful startup entrepreneurs

This article, written by attorney Emily Penaskovic, was originally posted on seacoastonline.com and can be found here.   In anticipating how to avoid potential pitfalls when starting or growing a 

Author: Emily B. Penaskovic
Category: Start Up

Voluntary paid leave: A different way

This article, written by attorney Brian Bouchard, was originally published by both seacoastonline.com and the NHBR and can be found here. COVID-19 foisted paid leave into the public conversation. Federal 

Author: Brian J. Bouchard
Category: Labor & Employment

How Businesses Can Use Solar To Offset Electric Rate Increases

Attorney Tom Burack and other experts join the NHBR to discuss how solar power can help businesses offset electric rate increases in this latest webinar (click here)

Author: Thomas Burack
Category: Environment & Energy

Call the Doctor: 9 Tips for Conducting Wage and Hour Checkups

This article, written by attorney Brian Bouchard, was originally published by compensation.blr.com and can be found here. We visit the doctor and the optometrist once a year and our dentists 

Author: Brian J. Bouchard
Category: Labor & Employment

NH Business: How will NH benefit from new climate legislation?

How will New Hampshire benefit from the Inflation Reduction Act? What will the provisions in the legislation do for the Granite State’s efforts in combatting environmental issues? On the August 

Author: Thomas Burack
Category: Environment & Energy

Fixing your non-compete agreements before you’re in a fix

This article, written by attorney David McGrath, was originally published by seacoastonline.com and can be found here. In a prior 2010 publication, I highlighted common mistakes that threaten the enforceability 

Author: David W. McGrath
Category: Article

Some Key Considerations in Negotiating a Commercial Lease

This article, written by attorneys Eric Kilchenstein and Christopher Candon, was originally published by the NH Bar News and can be found here (page 36). The considerations involved in the 

Author: Eric T. Kilchenstein
Category: Commercial Leasing

Navigating the Legal Landscape of Paper Streets

This article, written by attorney Courtney Herz, was originally published by the NH Bar News and can be found here (page 35). A perhaps surprising number of property owners find 

Author: Courtney H. G. Herz
Category: Zoning, Planning & Land Use

Call the Doctor: The case for wage and hour checkups

This article, written by Brian Bouchard, was originally published by seacoastonline.com and can be found here. We visit the doctor once a year, the optometrist once a year, and our 

Author: Brian J. Bouchard
Category: Labor & Employment

The Wage Act is No April Fool’s Joke

CLIENT ALERT April 5, 2022 On April 4, 2022, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court (“SJC”) issued a pointed reminder to employers that the failure to comply with the strict technical 

Author: Sheehan Phinney Bass & Green
Category: Labor & Employment

Navigating Cannabis Zoning and Regs

This article, written by Megan Carrier and Jennifer Lyon, was originally published by Business NH Magazine and can be found here. Anyone contemplating operating an alternative treatment center and registering 

Author: Megan C. Carrier
Category: Cannabis

What can the West Coast teach New Hampshire about marijuana?

This article, written by attorneys Andrew Eills and Nicole Austin, was originally published by the NHBR and can be found here. Is legalized recreational marijuana on its way to New 

Author: Andrew B. Eills
Category: Cannabis

Assessing the new Phase I enviro site assessment standard

This article, written by attorney Lynn Preston, was originally published by NH Business Review and can be found here. The American Society for Testing and Materials recently updated its standard 

Author: Lynn J. Preston
Category: Environment & Energy