Before joining Sheehan Phinney, Ann Butenhof was a founding partner of Butenhof & Bomster, PC. Her early work with the non-profit New Hampshire Legal Assistance (NHLA) representing low-income and elderly residents led to a strong appreciation of the special legal and care challenges facing these NH residents. She is well known in New Hampshire’s legal community for her experience in navigating Medicaid eligibility rules, public benefits programs, and special needs trusts. Ann specializes in estate planning, elder law, and planning for the future care and financial security of children with special needs and individuals who have disabilities by tailoring estate plans to protect life savings while maintaining eligibility for needs-based public benefits programs. In addition to directly working with individuals and families, Ann is a trusted legal resource for financial planners and fellow attorneys in her practice areas. Ann has been requested to lecture and train numerous attorneys and financial advisors on elder law and special needs topics, including the New Hampshire Bar Association, the New Hampshire Association of Justice, and the NH Chapter of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys.