Through project management tools and techniques, Mr. Stewart, an Electronic Discovery Subject Matter Expert, works with attorneys and clients to manage discovery projects of all sizes from the very small to the very large and complex. As a Relativity Certified Expert, Administrator, Analytics Specialist and User, Mr. Stewart is well versed in all of the analytic tools in the Relativity arsenal and uses them on projects from 15,000 documents to 26.5 million documents. With tools like Email Threading, Concept Searching, Categorization, Clustering and Active Learning, Mr. Stewart helps attorneys break their project down into disparate categories so they can then apply exactly the right tool or technique to obtain maximum review efficiency. He has a proven track record of being able use these techniques to prioritize as much as 99% of the collected documents as low priority, allowing the reviewers to concentrate on the 1% of documents that are most responsive.
Mr. Stewart manages his firm’s “full stack” in-house infrastructure, safely and securely behind their firewall, which is always up to date with the current release of Relativity and all of its analytic tools.
Within the firm, Mr. Stewart has developed and maintained best practices for litigation holds, ESI stipulations, clawback agreements, client ESI preservation and collection, Rule 26 meet and confers, and ESI processing, review and production. In addition to assisting the clients and attorneys within the firm, Mr. Stewart also manages teams of contract attorneys that are brought in-house for large electronic discovery projects.
Mr. Stewart is a member of the NH Supreme Court – Advisory Committee on Rules, The Electronic Discovery Reference Model (EDRM), Association of Certified E-Discovery Specialists (ACEDS), Association of Litigation Support Professionals, and the Sedona Conference Working Group 4.